Welcome to Greater Las Vegas Academy
GLVA is Open!
These are the extra measures we are taking to ensure the safety and well-being of the children in our care.
GLVA will remain open with additional safety measures. Effective Monday, March 16th; mandatory temperature checks upon arrival, carline drop-off, and sanitation stations will be provided. Your child's safety is our priority! Please register at GLVACADEMY.COM for immediate ENROLLMENT for tomorrow!

New Health & Standards to Keep Everyone Safe
Student Arrival
Children will receive a temperature check to ensure proper health before being checked in for care. Any child exhibiting any signs indicating illness WILL NOT BE PERMITTED to stay at our facility until they are free of any and all symptoms for 24 hours.
All students will wash hands prior to playing in the classrooms
Students will be checked into the front office and into their classroom
Snacks and lunches must be provided from home
Smaller learning pods and stations will be provided in each classroom
Greater Las Vegas Academy is excited to welcome back our students with a few additional health and safety standards to minimize the exposure to possible illness. We encourage any families, not in need of childcare are encouraged to stay home as much as possible. We look forward to welcoming everyone back very soon!